Frequently Asked Questions

How Long does it take you to make a character?

In terms of hours, between 40 and 60 hours. It normally takes a month from start to finish — I am a home-based business and homes need tending ☺️! I will often come back to a character if I find unique materials to add, or realize that I can enhance their story.

What materials do you use?

I focus on natural fabrics – 100% wool, cotton, or silk. Accessories are generally handmade, including vintage buttons and findings. Some plastics are used in a limited fashion – flower embellishments for example. I purchase my materials from sources that use sustainable practices, and “buy local” whenever possible.

Are these really handmade?

I do every stitch in every character. Below you can see me putting spots on a giraffe and crafting a basket accessory. A rare accessory is purchased, and that will be noted in the description.

Can I get a character just like one that has been sold?

Sorry, no. Each piece is unique, and while a second creature may be similar, you will always be able to tell them apart. Repetition is boring, and I just don’t do it! That guarantees that each critter is a unique individual with their own story.

Can I request a particular creature?

In a general way, yes. Remember that these are NOT meant to be realistic, so they will not have the ‘look’ of a specific pet. You can request a particular creature in specific colors, and it will be put in the queue. Contact me to discuss.